Okay, just let me say that I joke about having Depends moments all of the time, but today I actually came really close to having a
REAL one! The day started out really cruddy and I was in a pretty lousy mood. I logged on to
DSO to get my morning fix, and saw I had a PM from Bunny. She asked for my phone #, so I sent it. Hmmm... velly, velly interesting! Around 2:00 I got a call from
Bunny Cates (the owner of DSO), herself, inviting me to be an official
DSO team member!!! Now if that's not pee in your pants news, I don't know what is! I'm so EXCITED!!!
I can't give out any details at the moment, except that ya'll should definitely stay tuned for updates! I promise you, this is big, big, BIG!!!
If you would like to stay on top of the developments, click on the follow link on the left and you will be instantly updated when I post! Easy peasy!