Not only have I been a bad blogger lately, but I have neglected to clue ya'll in on a spectacular sale! KimB has put some of her best kits on sale at Mscraps. Christmas First is one of my all time personal faves, and you can get it for only two measly bucks right now! But wait!!! You can also pick up French Country, Offshore, Southern Comfort and Treasured for the same low price. Yep, you heard me, only $2.00 each! But wait, there's more! New CU at a steal, too! Check out
Leafy 4, Doodly Frames3, Papery2 Papery3 and Papery4 at the super low price of $2.00 too! And let's not forget those fab color swatches, Color Inspirations! What are you waiting for? Go!!!